Please note that the following FAQ’s apply to members impacted by the current Covid-19 situation. We will review our approach regularly and update this website with any changes, following specific government advice.
For any changes to contracts of employment, salary etc., prior to 16th March 2020, our standard Terms & Conditions apply.
In these circumstances, unless specifically requested by the Employer, the sum assured will be maintained at the full amount prior to the furlough or reduction in hours/salary. This is of course subject to our standard terms & conditions & the correct premium being paid for the full sum assured.
No, there is no specific need for us to be made aware of this.
These claims will be handled in the normal way, if the claim amount differs from the latest data that we hold then we will need evidence of the full salary that was being paid prior to the member being placed on furlough / a reduced contract.
Actively at work is defined as follows:
At the intended start date (or date of any subsequent increase in benefit), the individual must be at work & be mentally & physically able to carry out their normal occupation for their normal contracted hours at their usual place of work & has not received medical advice to refrain from working.
If a member is under furlough they will not be “at work”, however as long as they are mentally & physically able to carry out their normal occupation for their normal contracted hours & have not received medical advice to refrain from working, they will be deemed to be fulfilling the Actively at Work criteria.
As they have received medical advice to refrain from work these members would not conform to our Actively at Work criteria – however be advised that cover remains in place for existing members of existing RAM schemes – cover is not removed for employees who have been advised to shield themselves.
If the employer wishes to retain the full sum assured for their employees the data must show the full salary/benefit & must not reflect any reduction for furlough or reduced hours/salary, i.e. the data should reflect the desired level of cover.
Our policy does not include any restriction on the cause of death, so coronavirus is covered. It is possible that the catastrophic event limit could be triggered if there are multiple deaths due to coronavirus within a Scheme.
One originating cause, event or occurrence or a series of related originating causes, events or occurrences, which results in more than one death, irrespective of the period of time or area over which such originating causes, events or occurrences take place. The Company shall be the sole judge as to what constitutes a catastrophic event. For full details, please see the policy conditions and definitions.
No. Claims will be paid in order of receipt by us until the event limit is reached.
Please check your quotation or policy schedule for the limit that applies in the event that the catastrophic event is triggered.
Yes, unless specifically agreed by us any business travel will be excluded to a country advised against travelling to by the Foreign Office. Please check for country specific information.
In such circumstances we will adhere to the advice that was given by the Foreign Office at the date of travel.
No, in this situation a member would not fulfil our definition of Actively At Work.
Yes, if someone is self-isolating on the advice of their employer, but not having received medical advice to refrain from work, they will be classed as being Actively At Work.
Yes, RAM has a business Continuity Plan which aims to mitigate disruption to our clients and ensure that critical business functions remain in place. If our service is temporarily unavailable announcements will be posted on our website.
RAM remains committed to supporting our policyholders and we understand some companies may be facing financial difficulties due to the negative impact of Covid-19.
We may be able to offer some flexibility to those companies who are experiencing such difficulties.
Please email to find out more.